Saturday 15 February 2014


We know business companies is really related with logistics management/logistics company like transportation because when we need to move our goods we have to used transportation. So, we need to hire/produce transports. For that service, business companies have to pay for the transportation cost. Business is really important to people today because business will give them lot of opportunity to get lot of money.

Today, business expanded very quickly at every place in the world. We know Malaysia people like shopping and spend their money to buy anything they want. This behavior can give more opportunities to business companies to gain more profits. Every company in the world really care about their profit. Many type of business had open every day at our country (Malaysia) like shawl, cake, dress (boutique), fast food (Burger Abang Burn, Uncle Best) and etc. As Malay people said “bagai cendawan tumbuh selepas hujan”. But we have to remember earth is really sensitive. We have to care earth very well because if anything happen to earth it’s also impact to our life. It is not fair to earth if we did not care about environment and dare to look many pollution everyday around us.

40% Greenhouse Gases (GHG) came from transport sector. Greenhouse Gases (GHG) problem is growing because economic development drive increases combustion of fossil fuels for industrial process and transportation. The ships, trucks, trains, air freight, shipping containers and warehouse that we used for logistics activities will increase Greenhouse Gases (GHG). Many greenhouse gases occur naturally, such as water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone but hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) come from human industrial processes like a logistics industrial. Freight movements consume over 35 billion gallons of diesel fuel each year.
Burning the fuel produces more than 350 million metric tons of CO2 , that is over 20% of all emissions Greenhouse Gases (GHG). This emissions is not stable, the pollution are growing fast without any control from authorities/government. Companies in Malaysia need working hard to reduce their carbon. This effort can save world and their money. One of the bigger challenges in this effort is how to move their goods from one destination to other destination at the same time they had reduce any pollution along the process.

In our opinion, government and industrial sector/transport sector/ logistics sector need make cooperation in effort to reduce the Greenhouse Gases (GHG) problems:

1. Improve public transport.
2. Improve waste management.
3. Develop Greenhouse Gases (GHG)/
Air Pollution Management Strategy and Action Plan. 
4. Promote public awareness and education.
5. Promote cleaner production techniques and technologies.
6. Promote energy conservation and renewable energy sources.
7. Give information about Greenhouse Gases (GHG) effects to human health and environment to public.

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